In order to officially work or study at Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy (CTUMP), you will need to apply for a business or a(n) student/ internship visa at the Vietnam Embassy in your country.
1.At Immigration Office located in Ho Chi Minh City
(It should be at least 45 days before working/ studying time)
CTUMP helps you to prepare:
a.Invitation letter from CTUMP (Acceptance letter towards students)
b.Online Register form (NA2-E-visa)
c.Working schedule (Course schedule towards students)
d.CTUMP Rector’s signature and CTUMP’s stamp introduction
e.The decision of the Government for CTUMP’s establishment
f.Introduction paper for person who will submit documents
g.Submission of Passport, Curriculum vitae (CV), [and study transcript towards students (students should send them to CTUMP 45 days before studying time)]
h.Application review fee
2.At Vietnamese Embassy in the visitors’/ students’ country
(It should be at least 1 month before working/ studying time)
2.1. VISITORS must prepare at least the following documents (for business visa):
a.Invitation letter from CTUMP (including the exit and entry time, not the working time);
b.Passport and other requested document/ form from the Vietnamese Embassy;
c. Payment fees.
2.2. STUDENTS must prepare at least the following documents (for student or internship visa):
a.Acceptance letter from CTUMP (including the exit and entry time, not the course’s time);
b.Introduction letter from your university/ college;
c.Passport and other requested document/ form from the Vietnamese Embassy;
d.Payment fees.
The result of application will be sent to CTUMP and Vietnamese Embassy 1 week after receiving the document by Immigration Office at Ho Chi Minh City.
Reference for e-visa: https://evisa.xuatnhapcanh.gov.vn/en_US/trang-chu-ttdt
Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy is to sponsor the team’s time in Vietnam and ensure they strictly follow local laws and hospitals’ regulations.
For any assistance needed, please kindly contact the Scientific Research and International Cooperation Office, telephone +84-2923 739 809; Email: ico@ctump.edu.vn or Ms. NGUYEN Thi Nhu Trang – Specialist of Scientific Research and International Cooperation Office, Mobile: + 84 939 698 638; Email: ntntrang@ctump.edu.vn.